Becoming a father changes you forever! I might have waited until my mid 30’s to become a father but it doesn’t really matter what age you are. Well, I guess being too old to help out with the 2 a.m. and 5 a.m. feedings (yes, feedings, plural because we had twins) would take something away from it, not to mention my wife would put me in a choke hold in my sleep (what sleep?).
The best way I can describe becoming a Dad is it’s the best day of your life but also the scariest. It is the greatest challenge but the best challenge. My sons Trevor and Caleb were born on May 5th, yes, Cinco de Mayo. At least we’ll have festive birthday parties and we can use the same decorations year after year and not worry about different party themes. And it gives me a great excuse to rent the ever-so-wanted margarita machine!
Becoming a father is nothing short of a miracle and the experience changed my life forever in a split second. Very few things have brought me to my knees in life but when you hear that first cry (or cries in my situation) – you can’t help but feel the jello in your knees.
I have a whole new respect for all mothers and fathers out there. I’m thrilled to be part of the “club” now. And the respect I have for my wife is untouchable. She is a miracle. I’m truly a blessed husband and a proud papa. It gives you a whole new purpose in life when you have children.
My Top 10 lessons and learns for the first week of being a father, and husband:
1. You quickly learn how to hold a baby and try to keep one hand free at all times
2. Stick to a feeding schedule as long as you can
3. Eat when you can – or it is a good diet the first two weeks
4. Sleep when they sleep
5. Do whatever your wife asks of you, no questions…she has been through way more than you
6. Pay someone to do your lawn and grab a cold beer instead
7. Get Pampers instead of Huggies and you can tear the wipes in half to conserve
8. Take a lot of pictures and get a FlipVideo camera ($100-$150 on Amazon)
9. If you don’t have one - get an iPhone before the birth for emailing quick photos
10. There is nothing better in life than having your baby sleep on your chest!!!
*Bonus learn: Changing a boys diaper can be challenging…”the fountain”