
How Important is an Agency’s Culture?

From my point of view, that is all an agency truly has, its culture. And this so-called culture changes ever so slightly over time as the agency grows, shrinks or even plateaus. The change of such culture is not a bad thing, it’s just evolution. So what exactly is your agency culture? How is it defined? Is it the dress code? Or is it the color of the walls? Is it the absence of walls? Or is it the flexible office hours? The answer is, yes. And there are plenty of other characteristics that help define your agency’s culture. But there would be no existence of culture without the actions of the employees. From upper management down to the interns, the culture is lived out everyday. And that culture only survives if the people responsible for it continue to feed it. The culture is the ‘glue’ that keeps your agency unique and your employees and co-workers connected. And that is a powerful intangible force. So, how important is an agency’s culture? Rhetorical? You bet!

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